

My name is Stephen Goth and I am a passionate photographer out of Denver, Colorado. During my first two years of High School I struggled to find things that sparked my interest. Playing soccer, going to school, and working was taking up a majority of my time, but I rarely felt alive and could tell that I was very passionless. I turned to photography. I have been taking pictures for the past 5 years and tend to focus on portraiture/ lifestyle work. I believe creativity and spontaneity mold the best image as well as the best lifestyle. I began taking pictures in the summer of 2015 when I went on a trip to Mexico. Never did I ever think that little point and shoot camera would send a rush of inspiration throughout my entire body. That trip showed me what creating a story through images feels like, and ever since that moment I’ve been hooked.

I am currently pursuing a Digital Film-making degree by taking online classes through the Los Angeles Film School.


Email: Stephen.goth03@gmail.com