New Release - Complicate/SIX:47


This song is about…

Over the last year or so I’ve started to experience lots of self doubt. For whatever reason I’ve started to fell like what I create and what I do is not enough. And as motivating as that can be it’s also very paralyzing. Working on music every day and never sharing what I’m creating is physically painful. I have such a huge desire to show the world that if you authentically create things based on who you are and what you experience, it will inspire others to do the same. But this doubt and fear has been holding me back for a while now.

Being a creative is such a beautiful struggle. The feeling of making something from nothing, and being proud of it, is priceless. At the same time the fear of comparison and the worry of not being understood, for me, is incredibly overwhelming. But I’ve come to the conclusion that the only way out is through. That fear will always be there to some extent. You can let it dictate your decisions or you can push through and let the purity of creation hold priority.

I made both of these songs on the same night with my friend and producer Dom. It was an incredibly speical night where we were simply creating and making muisc for the love of creating. I really want these songs to be the start of a new chapter in my life. I want to share my creations with the world, no matter how much fear or how much doubt I feel. I want to inspire people to be themselves and to pursue their passions unapolagetically. Life is too short to consider doing anything else.

Here’s to creation, love, and overcoming fear <3